Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Today I'm going to share something from one of my favorite philosophers...... Osho this piece is called Difficulties and sometimes I like to read this passage to remind myself that I can use every experience as a stepping stone and that every block in the road has a purpose. I hope you all take from it, what I have..... enjoy.


Difficulties are always there. They are a part of life. And it is good that they are there, otherwise there would be no growth. Difficulties are challenges. They provoke you to work, to think, to find ways to overcome them. The very effort is essential. So always take difficulties as blessings. Without difficulties, we would be nowhere. Bigger difficulties come- that means that existence is looking after you; it is giving you more challenges. And the more you solve them, the greater challenges will be waiting for you. Only at the last moment, difficulties disappear, but that last moment comes only because of difficulties.

So never take difficulty negatively. Find something positive in it. The same rock blocking the path can function as a stepping stone. If there is no rock in the path, you would never rise up. And the very process of going above it, making it a stepping stone, gives you a new altitude of being. So once you think about life creatively, then everything is useful and everything has something to give you. Nothing is meaningless. --Osho


  1. I so needed this today, I have been going thru difficulties and adversities all month; but ive been trying to maintain a uplifting and positive attitude and just continue to not let it effect me and my spirits, ive been doing a pretty good job at i might add(trying not to become that spiritual vampire that you speak of lol.) But i just say thank you so much for this particular blog because it has moved me in so many different ways and made me look at my difficulties and struggles in a different light, like the saying goes, "what dont kill me only makes me strong" flip that negative into a positive....
    Thank You SoulStar.
    Keep up the good work on such a already dope blog..


  2. keep up the great work... i love ur blog spot.

  3. yes, right now, i'm going thru a whole lot, adjusting to motherhood, financial difficulties and family issues and i always tell myself, It's going to get better, but of lately i'm starting to doubt that. I just have to be stronger.
