Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Queen Latifah "Cover-up Girl".....

It really pisses me off when Gay celebrities deny being gay. I mean seriously how can Queen Latifah really deny being gay?, Especially after the movie Set it off. lol. I myself have seen her at some gay spots, most recently a few weeks back at Stiletto at Maritime Cabanas, looking very butch might I add. I even let her skip me in the line for the restroom, although i cant say the same for my baby Tha General. lol. And just Wednesday she was spotted at Eden at the Country club another all girl party in NYC. Yet she consistently denies being a lesbian. I feel like as a Gay Celebrity being out is the most powerful thing you can do, if you really want to be a role model or a "Cover girl" let young black lesbians know its okay to be who you really are. I'm sorry Queen you came along way but until you come out of that closet, you really aren't doing anything in my book. Keep it real and stop being a "Cover-up Girl".




  2. lmao @ Tha General, thats right! u had to go, she aint special lol.. But seriously, I hate the fact that she tries to down play the fact that she is indeed lesbian, like its gonna matter or she's gonna lose fans or support behind it; if anything she will get more fans and support. Everybody knows your lesbian so just stop fronting! Wanda Sykes did it and everybody supports her, Ellen did it and the world loves Ellen...Alicia Keys, Oprah, Gayle, can you please stand up too??



    And you know what, she's not open around family either, She's very private with everything in her personal life...maybe she isn't ready to open that closet door just yet...

    I do agree with you though, she CAN be such a powerful voice for gay rights...I feel like her image in it's self is powerful, you don't see many full figured black women modelling make-up

    p.s. lovin the blog!


  4. Soul I can agree and disagree with you. From an industry perspective I agree . She does need to come out but when she is ready and she will in her own way and her own time. I mean its not a secret, she knows she aint foolin nobody!.lol..

AND yes she will be a powerful voice for US! but being forced to be a spokesperson is not the FACE we want to rep our community. We want someone who has and will rep with PRIDE! When she is ready she will most likley rep with that pride but for the time being hopefully she is growing towards showing the world all of who she is.

    I disagree because althogh she is in an industry that welcomes the gay community, America and specifically Black America, her target demographic are just not ready. As hard as it is in the industry to be typecasted as an African American woman she will probably be connoted and labeled as just being a Lesbian woman and that’s not right. We all know that being a Lesbian is a part of who we are NOT all of who we are.

Personally, I dont believe in people being outted or forced to come out. Its a process that takes revelation and growth. They will when they are ready. 

    PSA: This does not apply to nasty friflin chicks that do everything and everyone ... they on the other hand need to be but on BLAST FAST before someone catches something lol ..

    sorry had to edit -

  5. leave my girl The Queen alone. If she don't want to come out of the closet, then leave her. It's her choice.
